Windmill Farm at Daybreak

From Coal to Clean Energy

Coal emits toxic pollutants that make people sick, contaminate water, and drive planet-warming emissions. To eliminate this major threat, a diverse coalition led by the Sierra Club, with the support of philanthropy, launched the Beyond Coal campaign in 2002. The campaign aims to stop the development of new U.S. coal plants in the pipeline, retire the existing dirty coal fleet, address the impacts of coal mining, and replace coal with clean energy solutions.

What started as a state-level initiative, backed by a group of small foundations, has now evolved into a nationwide campaign with over $250 million in collaborative philanthropic investments, as more join the fight for cleaner energy in their communities and across the country.

This work is now part of a global coal campaign, transforming our energy sector and creating a healthier future.  In 2023, U.S. climate pollution decreased nearly 2%, reaching its lowest level since 1991, thanks largely to closing coal-fired plants. Continuing this progress toward 100 percent clean energy is essential to tackle the climate crisis, provide clean air and water, and improve public health.

The outcomes of the Beyond Coal Campaign show that taking a risk on a bold idea with strong leadership is a critical role for philanthropy to play.

Eileen Rockefeller Growald

Growald Climate Fund

The outcomes of the Beyond Coal Campaign show that taking a risk on a bold idea with strong leadership is a critical role for philanthropy to play.

Eileen Rockefeller Growald

Growald Climate Fund

How Change Happens

Tactics and Tools Philanthropy Makes Possible



Influence leaders at the local level to ensure that critical coal plant closures are accompanied by support for workers and local economies.

legal strategies

Legal Strategies

Challenge permits and enforce clean air and water laws to restrict coal projects.

research icon

Research and Innovation

Identify many plants as no longer economically viable through technology and research, highlighting the negative health impacts of coal.


To date, the campaign has stopped more than 350 new coal plants from being built in the U.S. and helped retire two-thirds of the plants operating a decade ago, resulting in significant health benefits, emissions reductions, and clean energy progress.

People sitting on a park bench

$14 billion

has been saved in health care costs. Plant closures in the U.S. prevented disease and thousands of premature deaths.

605 million tons

of carbon has been reduced from the air by 2020—three-quarters of U.S. greenhouse gas reductions in the past decade—and improved air quality and health outcomes for communities nationwide.

30% reduction

of coal’s usage for electricity in the U.S. As a result, the U.S. now gets more power from renewable energy than from coal.